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Gruzman & Nemirovsky in Moscow

Ponzi scam (scheme) – what is it? Charles Ponzi scheme: how it works A Ponzi scheme is a type of financial fraud where the organizer convinces people to invest money with promises of high and quick returns. Unlike legitimate investments, a Ponzi scheme does not actually generate profits or returns…

Real estate assets worth tens of millions of euros in Europe, lawsuits, and foreclosures in Israel. He began his real estate career with small-scale entrepreneurial projects in Belgium. From that period, he still owns 13 income-generating buildings, with an estimated value of €6.365 million. While he personally owns profitable properties,…

Most of the San Martin investors have hired lawyers in Israel and Austria, and are suing the Excelion subsidiary After 7 years of promises and attempts at deception and smearing, apartment buyers in the Sonnenbichl project in San Martin, in the Austrian Alps, are organizing and suing the company Sankt…

In 2008, Vlad Nemirovsky was appointed as the president of Oranta-Life in Kyiv, but he was dismissed in October 2009. Interestingly, after his departure, the company's sales grew by 40%. In 2010, he founded an investment and insurance brokerage firm in Moscow. One of his main activities was selling hundreds…

"We bought an apartment. We have paid the full amount last December but we are still waiting for the keys. Lots of promises about dates then silence."

"It appears that the debtor [Gruzman] is allegedly ignoring his debts, violating his commitments in the agreement, and seeking to avoid paying his debt. Under these circumstances, delaying the debtor in Israel to ensure the repayment of his debt is proportionate and reasonable. I am convinced there is a real…

Oleg Uliansky, former CEO and Sales Director at Excelion Israel, files a lawsuit against the company’s owners, Vlad Nemirovsky and Moti Gruzman, following his dismissal and claims of violations of his employee rights

The company tries to settle its debts towards creditors in creative ways. Since most of the creditors have done business with Motti Gruzman and have a grudge against him, someone else from the company is presented to them. Small creditors are handled by Victoria Drobchevsky by email or WhatsApp, large…